EPISODE 7 – Facing The Truth

As Nic’s investigation comes to a close he looks into whether modern DNA testing could provide a breakthrough. He learns about a new process which could create a face for the suspect, and hears how a change in the law might finally provide answers.


EPISODE 6 – Young Blood

Just when you think you’ve learned everything about the Miyazawa murders, Nic discovers an ominous note, potentially written by the killer, predicting the crimes. And he is forced to confront a theory that the killer was just a teenager.


EPISODE 5 – Grains of Truth

Nic assumed his investigation would take him around Japan. But evidence left at the scene has actually led him to California – and a new lead which provides a remarkable new theory.


EPISODE 4 – Four Wheels

We don’t know what the Faceless Man looks like, but we do know what he was wearing. Nic investigates claims that the killer was a skateboarder, and meets one of the only people ever questioned about the murders.


EPISODE 3 – Goldilocks

The Faceless Man spent hours inside the murder scene. In this episode Nic breaks down exactly what he did, and looks for clues in his behaviour that might help to identify him.


EPISODE 2 – The Korean Hit

Nic starts unpacking the evidence, beginning with the DNA profile of the Faceless Man. And he investigates a claim that a Korean Hit-man was behind the murders.


EPISODE 1 – Bloodshed
Nic Obregon begins his investigation into the Miyazawa murders by finding out about the victims, meeting the former chief of police who led the case, and arming himself with the facts.